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Unlocking the Secret to Social Media Success: Introverts, You Won't Believe Tip #6!

Francesca Alexander • Oct 29, 2023

Did you know that around one-third of the population identifies as introverts? Identifying them isn't always easy – they might be the ones lingering on the sidelines at a party, enjoying a quiet conversation while others hit the dance floor. In the workplace, they often find solace in the tranquillity of their cubicles, avoiding water cooler chit-chat.

In a corporate environment, introverts bring unique strengths to the table. They tend to be exceptionally observant and sometimes even more innovative than their extroverted counterparts. However, they may encounter difficulties in bustling pitch meetings and might shy away from self-promotion. While introverts excel at listening, those dreaded "icebreakers" can pose a considerable challenge.

Regrettably, an introvert's inclination to retreat from a crowded conference room can inadvertently hinder their career progression. Dr. Mike Bechtle, a communication expert and author of "The Introvert's Guide to Success in the Workplace," highlights this issue.

"Introverts often fade into the background, despite making significant creative and strategic contributions," notes Bechtle, who identifies as an introvert himself. "People may acknowledge our work, but we're not 'top of mind.'"

Today, we're sharing an excerpt from Bechtle's upcoming book that will resonate with at least one out of every three of you. And don't worry extroverts; we haven't forgotten about you. In this edition, Lisa Sun, the author of "Gravitas," dissects the common mistakes made by those who thrive on social interaction in the office and offers valuable insights into how they can put their best foot forward.

Now, let's dive into the world of social media and discover how to harness its power to find and express your authentic voice.

Social Media Tip #1: Embrace Your Introverted Strengths

Social media platforms are fantastic avenues for introverts to shine. Take advantage of your innate listening skills and attention to detail to craft thoughtful posts and engage in meaningful conversations. Remember, it's not about being the loudest voice in the room; it's about being the most authentic.

Social Media Tip #2: Plan Your Content

Introverts tend to thrive when they have time to prepare and reflect. Apply this strength to your social media strategy by planning your content ahead of time. Create a content calendar, research topics, and draft posts that genuinely reflect your personality and expertise.

Social Media Tip #3: Use Visual Storytelling

Introverts often excel at conveying their thoughts through writing. Leverage this talent by incorporating visual storytelling into your social media presence. Create infographics, share images, and craft compelling captions to make your content stand out.

Social Media Tip #4: Engage Thoughtfully

Quality over quantity should be your motto when it comes to social media engagement. Take the time to respond thoughtfully to comments and messages. Building authentic connections with your audience will go a long way in establishing your online presence.

Social Media Tip #5: Seek Collaborations

Collaborating with others can help introverts expand their social media reach. Partner with like-minded individuals or organizations to co-create content and reach a wider audience. These collaborations can also provide valuable networking opportunities.

Social Media Tip #6: Practice Self-Promotion

While self-promotion might not come naturally to introverts, it's essential for building an online presence. Find a balance between humility and highlighting your achievements. Share your successes, but do so in a way that feels genuine and authentic.

Social Media Tip #7: Consistency Is Key

Consistency is crucial in the world of social media. Set a posting schedule that you can realistically maintain and stick to it. Regular and reliable content updates will help you build a dedicated following over time.

Finding your voice on social media is a journey that introverts can embark on with confidence. By embracing your unique strengths, planning your content, engaging authentically, and collaborating with others, you can make a meaningful impact and ensure that you're "top of mind" in the digital realm. So, don't be afraid to let your authentic self shine through the virtual noise.

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By Francesca Alexander 18 Jan, 2024
Leveraging Social Media for Business Growth: A Strategic Guide for CMOs and CFOs Every year, we see an upward trend in social media's impact on small and big businesses. The relationship between your brand and your social media audience is impactful. Companies are now using social media to predict trends, brand awareness and the likely engagement to potential customers. Social media has emerged as an indispensable tool for business development in today's digital landscape. As CMOs and CFOs, understanding its value is crucial for aligning marketing strategies with financial outcomes. Social media enhances brand awareness and serves as a barometer for forecasting market trends, making it a vital component in marketing and financial planning. Powerful Business Development Tool: Social media platforms offer unparalleled opportunities to engage directly with customers, creating a feedback loop that was previously unattainable through traditional marketing channels. This direct engagement boosts brand visibility and fosters customer loyalty, driving both short-term gains and long-term growth. Key Takeaways for Setting KPIs: To harness the full potential of social media, it's essential to set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with business objectives. These KPIs should include metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates. For CFOs, linking these metrics to financial outcomes like ROI and customer acquisition cost is vital. Brand Awareness: Social media's role in amplifying brand awareness is undeniable. Through targeted campaigns and consistent messaging, brands can establish a strong online presence, reaching a broader audience than ever before. CMOs should leverage analytics tools to track brand mentions and sentiment, providing insights into brand health and perception. Forecasting Trends: Social media is a treasure trove of data, offering real-time insights into consumer behaviour and market trends. Businesses can anticipate market shifts and adapt their strategies by analysing social media trends. This proactive approach enables CFOs to allocate resources more effectively, maximizing the impact of marketing expenditures. What we know for sure: Social media is not just a marketing tool; it's a strategic asset that intersects with every aspect of business development. For CMOs and CFOs, leveraging social media effectively means aligning it with broader business goals, ensuring every post, tweet, or update contributes to the company's financial health and market position. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of social media in shaping business strategies will only grow. CMOs and CFOs who embrace this tool will find themselves at the forefront of innovation, driving their companies to new heights of success. To structure KPIs or want more information contact us for a consultation. Located in Auckland, New Zealand and worldwide on Google Hangout.
By Francesca Alexander 15 Jan, 2024
Reemerging from the end of the year holiday can be tricky. This is our first week back from Social Global Grind, and I decided (very quickly, I might add) that we needed to do our first week of reentry from our home office. Summer is here in New Zealand and our weather is starting to shine through finally. When you think about it, this is when everyone should be taking a break. With that said, I was just back home last week in Los Angeles and wondering if I still lived there, what I would do differently in incorporating Kate Northrup's philosophy of body first, business second with the corporate expectation. I was going to label this 'Corporate America', but sadly, this is now a global problem. In 2024 achieving "balance is out" and being "realistic" with mental health, mobility (moving your body), and meditation (Body First) is essential to prioritise so that you can structure your life and career by choice. It's not about being calm; the nervous system regulation is about being at choice. In the realm of business, the approach of 'doing less to achieve more', as championed by Kate Northrup in her book "Do Less", is revolutionary. This philosophy underlines the importance of quality rest and life balance as key drivers for enhanced productivity and creativity. The Power of Rest: Embracing periods of rest is not laziness; it's a strategic move. Quality rest rejuvenates the mind, fostering sharper cognitive abilities and innovative thinking. As Northrup suggests, resting isn't about stopping entirely but about integrating intervals of repose, allowing ideas to gestate and flourish. Shared Household Duties: Equitably dividing household responsibilities with your partner creates a supportive domestic atmosphere, which is crucial for a clear, focused mind. This practice echoes Northrup's emphasis on collaboration and support within personal relationships to bolster professional success. The Benefits of Daily Walks and Leisure Reading: Incorporating daily walks and reading for pleasure are more than mere leisure activities. They are essential for mental well-being and creativity. Walking offers a mental reset, aiding in problem-solving and strategic planning. Reading, beyond being a source of enjoyment, expands your worldview and inspires innovative ideas. In line with Northrup's insights, these strategies may seem unconventional in traditional business contexts. Yet, they are vital for a sustainable, creative, and balanced entrepreneurial journey. Adopting a 'do less' approach allows for organic growth in creativity and strategic thinking, proving that sometimes, less really is more. The Essence of Creativity: Northrup's philosophy highlights that creativity and strategic business insights often stem from moments of stillness and reflection. Instead of constant action, allowing oneself the space to breathe and reflect can lead to more profound, impactful business decisions. Embracing Flexibility: The modern entrepreneur should embrace flexibility in their schedule. This isn't about shirking responsibilities but about recognizing that rigid schedules can stifle innovation. Adopting a more fluid approach to work can enhance productivity, making space for unexpected bursts of creativity and insight. Final Thoughts: Kate Northrup's "Do Less" philosophy is a reminder that in the fast-paced world of business, taking time to slow down, share responsibilities, and engage in mindful activities is not just beneficial but necessary for success. In doing less, we find more space for growth, innovation, and a balanced life – key ingredients for long-term success in any entrepreneurial endeavour. Girl, you need to take this seriously, or you will quickly find yourself on the road to burnout.
By Francesca Alexander 21 Dec, 2023
In these turbulent times, as 2023 draws to a close amidst a backdrop of economic uncertainties, 🍉 political upheavals, environmental crises, and social challenges, the role of social media, particularly TikTok, in driving social change is more crucial than ever. However, alongside advocating for change, it’s equally important to focus on self-care to ensure we remain resilient and effective. Using TikTok for Social Change 1. Educational Content: Addressing complex issues like climate change actions from COP28 or the recent escalation in mass shootings in the US, TikTok can serve as a platform for distilling and spreading vital information. Create concise, informative videos to educate your audience on these matters. 2. Awareness Campaigns: Initiating or participating in hashtag campaigns can significantly enhance the visibility of pressing issues. This could range from environmental concerns highlighted by ScienceDaily's report on CO2 emissions to advocating for mental health awareness. 3. Personal Narratives: Sharing personal experiences or stories can humanize and add depth to global and local issues, making them more relatable to a wider audience. 4. Collaboration and Networking: Team up with experts, activists, or influencers. Their expertise and network can be instrumental in amplifying your social change messages. 5. Actionable Steps: Encourage tangible actions, be it community engagement, supporting policy changes, or contributing to global relief efforts. 6. Creative Advocacy: Leverage the power of creativity - through music, art, or storytelling - to make a compelling case for the changes you advocate. 7. Interactive Engagement: Foster a community by actively engaging with your audience. This could involve discussions, feedback, or collaborative content creation. 8. Resource Sharing: Provide resources or information for further learning or action, guiding your audience towards meaningful participation. Incorporating Self-Care Amidst these efforts, self-care is paramount. As advocates and active citizens, maintaining our physical and mental well-being ensures we can continue making a difference without burning out. Here are some self-care strategies: - Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activities like walking, yoga, or any form of exercise that you enjoy. These activities not only improve physical health but also reduce stress. - Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness practices or meditation into your daily routine to help centre your thoughts and manage stress. - Digital Detox: Regularly take breaks from social media to avoid information overload and maintain a balanced perspective. - Hobbies and Interests: Pursue hobbies or interests that relax you and bring joy. Whether it’s reading, painting, or gardening, these activities can provide a much-needed respite. - Quality Time with Loved Ones: Spend time with family and friends. These interactions can offer support, laughter, and a sense of belonging. - Adequate Rest: Ensure you get enough sleep. Good sleep is crucial for rejuvenation and maintaining overall health. - Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you find yourself overwhelmed, do not hesitate to seek support from mental health professionals. Evolving is painful and equality is not easy. In these challenging times, using platforms like TikTok for social advocacy can be a powerful tool for change. Simultaneously, prioritizing self-care ensures that we remain healthy and motivated in our endeavours to create a positive impact in the world. Wishing you inner peace this holiday and a thriving 2024. With love and adoration, xoxo Francesca
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